Awards and Scholarships

  • Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science & Technology (QEII-GSST; 2024)
  • NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA; Summer 2023)
  • University of Toronto Excellence Award for Natural Sciences and Engineering research fund (UTEA-NSE; Summer 2021)
  • Samuel Beatty Scholarship - University of Toronto Scholar (departments of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics; Sep. 2020)
  • CPS Summer Scholarship, University of Toronto; Centre for Planetary Sciences research scholarship (Summer 2020)


Utilizing Euler poles for the evaluation of plate rigidity in numerical mantle convection models

Joshua M. Guerrero, Taiwo T. Ojo, Chad W. Fairservice, Pejvak Javaheri, Julian P. Lowman

Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 238, Issue 3, September 2024, doi:10.1093/gji/ggae219.

Spherical geometry convection in a fluid with an Arrhenius thermal viscosity dependence: The impact of core size and surface temperature on the scaling of stagnant-lid thickness and internal temperature

Pejvak Javaheri, Julian P. Lowman, and Paul J. Tackley

Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Vol. 329, April 2024, 107157, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2024.107157.

WHFast512: A symplectic N-body integrator for planetary systems optimized with AVX512 instructions

Pejvak Javaheri, Hanno Rein, and Dan Tamayo

The Open Journal of Astrophysics, Vol. 6, July 26, 2023 IST, doi:10.21105/astro.2307.05683 (arXiv server link).

Research Experience

Summer Research, Centre for Research in Earth System Science (CRESS), University of Toronto Scarborough

Implementation of continents in high-resolution three-dimensional mantle convection models

Online webpages: UofT Research Revealed Gallery; Supervisor: Prof. J. Lowman

Research Assistant, Dept. of Physical and Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto Scarborough

Exploring the impact of dense material on the formation of stagnant-lid in an Earth-like mantle

Supervisor: Prof. J. Lowman

Summer Research, Centre for Planetary Sciences (CPS), University of Toronto Scarborough

Modelling mantle convection with an Arrhenius rheology in spherical annuli

Online webpages: Page 1, Page 2; Supervisor: Prof. J. Lowman


2024 REBOUND Conference

Integrators & Tools, invited talk (July 8, 2024)

Title: WHFast512: A symplectic N-body integrator for planetary systems optimized with AVX512 instructions. Link to program

Authors: P. Javaheri (presenter), H. Rein, and D. Tamayo

2024 European Geosciences Union General (EGU) Assembly, Vienna, Austria

Dynamics, structure and evolution of Earth and rocky planets from formation to the present day session, PICO presentation (April 15, 2024)

Title: Spherical geometry convection in a fluid with an Arrhenius thermal viscosity dependence: the impact of core size and surface temperature on the scaling of stagnant-lid thickness and internal temperature. Link to abstract

Authors: P. Javaheri (presenter), J. P. Lowman, and P. J. Tackley

2023 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU), Banff, Alberta

Solid Earth section, oral presentation (May 10, 2023).

Title: Spherical shell geometry convection in a fluid with an Arrhenius viscosity: the impact of core size on the thermal structure of terrestrial bodies. Link to abstract

Authors: P. Javaheri (presenter), J. P. Lowman, and P. J. Tackley


Technical service representative at Compugen Inc. (Headquarters; Richmodel Hill, ON).